Get Involved
Join Our Core Organizers.
We are seeking Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) design activists to join our organizing team and help us mobilize direct actions across design agencies, universities, and member organizations.
Engage Direct Actions.
We are developing a wealth of action campaigns that we will mobilize people to help us implement. Let us know that you would like to help.
Amplify Storytelling & Media Campaigns.
Join us across social media via #designasprotest to share, support, and amplify the design justice demands, direct actions, and digital narrative campaigns.
Contribute to Research & Data.
Work with the team to build out datasets that reveal the design field’s impact on systemic injustices across individual and systemic scales.
Join us for the Design Justice Summit in New Orleans
REGISTER BY JUNE 8TH for the four-day Design Justice Summit from June 15-18, 2023! Advocates will gather and work through presentations, workshops, and activities designed to build fellowship and foster critical, nuanced learning around the details of our most pressing issues.

Have you already started taking anti-racist actions in your community?
Let us know what actions you have already been a part of, and what actions you're planning to do next!