Design as Protest August National Call

The August Design As Protest National Call served as a moment for design practitioners, activists, leaders, community members, and enthusiasts alike to gather and align vision, actions, and energy toward racial justice. In this conversation, participants heard from 14 of the DAP Core Organizers as they shared the steps they’ve taken to ensure our collective work ahead is grounded in BIPOC leadership across areas of Research, Storytelling, Direct Action, Planning & Policy, Academic Organizing, and Youth Organizing.

National Call Video

During the National Call, we split the conversation into two parts, which featured a music break by urban planner and DJ, Ebony Dumas (DJ Natty Boom). Watch both parts below to learn more about our efforts. In the midst, we we were unfortunately disrupted by by a racist “Zoom Bomber,” but you will witness a glimpse into our collective response and unwavering resolve to finish this call with power, harmony, and steadfast commitment to justice.

Join our work:

After you watch and learn more about the progress our teams have made, we invite you to join in on the work. Below are a few actions and links that were shared during the call that will help you connect with many of the respective teams.

National Call Presentation


Voter Check List 2020


Black August, Resistance, and Design Justice